Borders girl living life in the capital

Resolutions and Plans

Happy 2013!

  Eat Healthier. Don't get me wrong...I'm not going to stop eating cakes! My plan is to eat healthier lunches when I'm at work, whether that means going to the Sainsbury's salad bar instead of Greggs (as I did today) or taking my lunch to work. I'm pretty good at taking packed lunches to work but I think I need to make myself something a bit more exciting and healthier than a buttered roll which I'll then put crisps on!! I also plan to set aside time to cook more meals from scratch. I've been very bad at making meals since I started working full time. I can never be bothered making anything after a long day at work but my plan is to make things in advance so that I have homemade meals I can just heat when I get in from work.

♥  Read more. I really think this is one resolution that I have every year and it is never one I can really stick to! I think I read one whole book in 2012...and that was 50 Shades Of Grey!!! I really want to get into a habit of reading before bed instead of just lying in bed looking through Facebook and Twitter on my phone. I got a book for Christmas that looks really good and I've got one in my bedside drawer that I've been wanting to read for 2013 will be the year!

  Go to bed earlier. Again, another thing that I say I'm going to do all the time and just don't! I'm so sick of going to bed, setting my alarm and it saying 'Your alarm is set for 6 hours' or even less. I need my 8 hours sleep!

  Spend my spare time being more creative. I managed to make all my Christmas cards this year and I was so proud of myself because I had so much fun doing it! I spent a few whole days just sat watching DVD's and painting little pictures for my cards and I loved it! I need to be creative and arty more often, I miss it! 

  Manage my time better. This one kind of applies to lots of aspects of my life in work and out with work. In general I just want to make sure that I am making the most of all my spare time and not wasting it away by doing nothing. But at the same time, I need to manage my time so that I can have lazy days and relax too!

  Join an exercise class. I've been meaning to join a class for a while now but time and money has meant that I keep putting it off. I used to do pilates for about three years when I lived at home and so I'd love to take that up again. I'd also love to find a suitable dance class for my 'not quite beginner but far from confident' abilities! Something intense like Legs, Bums & Tums would be good too!

  Save money. Surely everyone says they would like to do this!? Actually doing it is more challenging! I think since I've been working full time I've enjoyed just living happily without struggling at all. However I think I need to try and cut back at little bit on buying things that I don't need. I definitely want to go on holiday this year so that gives me something to save for!

And many many more:

-Get a team leader position at work.
-Go on dates!
-Visit Rachel in Manchester.
-Stay with Melissa in Stirling.
-Try and visit my family more often.
-Holiday abroad with my friends....maybe even go on a plane for the first time ever!!
-Buy more statement clothing instead of cheap items that I'll only wear a few times.
-Buy a new laptop and finally sort out my iTunes and music collection properly.
-Invest time and money in testing more make up products.
-See as much live music as I can.
-Gain over 100 blog followers and attend a blogger event.
-When picking a film to watch, pick one that I've never seen before instead of watching the same films over and over again.
-Reply to my texts a bit quicker! (I know this will please all my annoyed family and friends!)

Work Hard.

Don't stress.


And.......Have fun.

I've posted this before, but I absolutely love it!


  1. Lovely post & a great way to start 2013 - hope its a good one! lovely blog i am now following :) can you check out mine please?

    Laura ( x x

  2. I have also just nominated you for the Liebster award! Go check it out on my blog :) x x

  3. Have you heard of Good Reads? Yoou can link to it through Facebook. I am using it as a tool to challenge myself to read more and ive set a target of 50 books this year. I managed 47 last year xx

  4. I love the first line of this post <3. Cake is too damn good lol.

    P:S Found you on Scottish Blogger Network


  5. Ah! I was just coming to let you know that I've passed on the Liebster Blog Award to you and your blog, but I see above that someone else has beat me to it! Never mind, there's more info in my latest post if you want to have a look. Hope everything is good with you! :) xxx


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