Borders girl living life in the capital


For anyone who knows me, they'll know how much I appreciate a good bit of stationary. My colleagues at work used to make jokes about me having shares in Paperchase because of my love for pretty notebooks and folders. Honestly, if I had the money, I could easily spend thousands in that shop...maybe I should have shares?

I'd really been wanting a Filofax for ages so at Christmas when my mum asked if I had any idea what I would like, it was at the top of my list. On Christmas morning I actually unwrapped a slightly different one, as my mum hadn't realised the size when she ordered it and it was a bit big. It was important, for me, that it was portable and would fit in my handbag. I swapped it for this one which is the purple leather 'Malden' in the 'Personal' size. It's such a nice, soft leather and I hope that, being able to buy yearly inserts, it will last me a lifetime. I know that most people nowadays use diary's or apps on their phones but I've never really managed to get on board with that. I did try using to-do list apps and the calendar on my phone, but I always ended up going back to a paper diary, I don't think you can really beat it.

I'd been looking at pictures on Pinterest and Instagram of all the amazingly pretty planners, decorated with washi tape, fancy clips and all the other inventive things people have done, and I couldn't wait to put my own touch on mine. I ordered a hole punch from Amazon which is designed for various planners and can be adjusted to fit the 'Personal' size of my Filofax, as I wanted to personalise mine with some postcards and photos. I bought these postcards from Paperchase which I've inserted into my Filofax as dividers between my different sections.

I've split my Filofax into different sections; the diary, my to-do lists (probably the most used section...I love a list!), my budget and finance kind of stuff and I did have a section with meal plans at one point (but that section's not regularly used at all)! I use little coloured dot stickers to signal things like payday, and I've decorated the pages of my holiday from work and birthday's with washi tape. I bought the notepaper with the bunting design (below) from Paperchase, they have a great range of inserts that are designed to fit their planners as well as Filofaxes. 

I know that my Filofax isn't decorated as much as some of the other planners you might see on Pinterest and Instagram (go and look!), however I've only really started to add my own touch and I think there's still lots more that I could use my Filofax for. I feel that it definitely needs some more washi tape soon!!!


  1. Love it! I got my first filofax about a month ago, a black A5 Metropol and I love it.

  2. So lovely! I have a paperchase organiser but I never really used it to its fullest potential. I would love to be organised, but I'm more of a scribble things down on random bits of paper person at the moment! xxx


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