Hello everyone, I feel like I am always apologising for not posting in a long time. I am not a very good blogger at all. To be honest I quite often get a bit uninspired by my blog, feeling like I don't have many followers. I know that followers are not the most important thing about blogging but I just sometimes feel that I don't want to spend all my time writing and constructing blog posts that no one is going to read. I don't mean to be so down on my blog because my followers havn't bothered me before and I appreciate everyone that reads my posts and love all my followers. I have just gone through a bit of a phase of being down on my blog and with being so busy, I havn't really wanted to spend all my spare time focusing on writing and constructing posts.
Anyway, am sorry for not posting for such a long time, I really have been a busy bee. Within the last month I have started a new job at Clarks in Edinburgh which I am loving. (I am slowly getting a bit of an obsession with shoes and handbags!) I am still living down here in the Borders though so there has been an awful lot of travelling up and down to Edinburgh for work. I can stay at my dad's house when I have shifts two days next to each other so I'm not up and down all the time. I have still spent a lot of the last month getting used to the travelling though.
Other news from the last wee while is that Tiina, one of my best friends from uni has moved back to her homeland of Finland. We will all miss her so so much but we are all incredibly proud of her for getting such an amazing job opportunity in Finland. That is also another reason why I haven't blogged in a while. Tiina was in LA for the duration of April and then returned here for less than two weeks before heading away to Finland and so we wanted to spend as much time as possible with her. We had a lovely lunch at 'The Slug and Lettuce' in Edinburgh, some shopping, dinner at the restaurant where Laura works and two girly sleepovers with plenty of wine, pizza hut takeaway and cookies.
Me, Lynsey, Laura, Lana and Tiina - Love you girls! :) |
I finally managed to go down to Manchester to visit my friend Rachel who is at uni down there. I have been meaning to go and visit her since she went to uni last September but finding the right time for both of us has just been so hard. So when I realised that I had four days in a row off I booked the trains and headed down to visit. It was kind of like I was living a few days in the life of Rachel. It was fun to get to see her accommodation, meet all her friends, see where she goes to uni, does gigs, goes to the shops and the local Chinese take away!! I am glad I finally got to go and visit and will hopefully find time to go down again when Rach is in second year and living in the house she's got with her friends for next year.
Me, Lucy, Andrea and Rachel before we went out in Manchester. |
Anyway I know that getting a new job and spending time with friends is not an excuse for not blogging, I am perfectly sure that I could have fitted in a few posts last month and I am very sorry for leaving you all without any. I hope that this post will be the start of me blogging a lot more often from now on. I have about twenty draft posts that are all just titles, reminding me of things that I want to blog about. Hopefully I will slowly be able to publish them all very very soon.
(I might not have had time to post on my blog but have still been checking up on my favourite blogs: